Nadi Astrology in Vaitheeswaran Koil

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nadi astrology history

Nadi History

Ancient Nadi astrology has roots that go back hundreds of years. There were great Sages or Rishis who saw the future and wanted to know what would happen to everyone on earth. These predictions were written on Palm Leaves in a certain writing called Nadi josiyam. These leaves are now used by Nadi Astrologers to tell people what will happen in the future. A long time ago in India, people called Rishis used their minds to find many arts and studies that would help future generations. One of the science is Astrology. Astrology is divided into many different fields. One of these is Horoscopes, which are made by looking at where the planets were when a person was born and how they move through the Zodiac. Several old writings, including the Brihatsamhita, Jathaka, Paarijatha, and others, show that this is a strong field of study.

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