Nadi Astrology in Vaitheeswaran Koil

Thumb Impression Astrology | Nadi Astrology Thumb Impression

Thumb Impression Astrology

Nadi Astrology is also known as Thumb Impression Astrology because it uses your thumb impression to find your unique Nadi Leaf and tell you about your future.
The thumb impression (right for men, left for women) is used in Thumb Impression Astrology (also called Thumb Fingerprint Astrology) to find out which nadi leaf a person has, which then tells us about their life. Astrology says that each thumb print has about 108 different types, such as Shanku Rekha, Chandra Rekha, Chakra Rekha, and so on. During a nadi palm leaf reading, the nadi reader finds the leaf that has the person’s personal and family information and reads and writes down the exact nadi predictions for their life. These parts of the thumb impression are used to find the nearest bundle of Nadi leaves. After that, the person would have a reading with a Nadi reader to make sure that the information in the reading matches their personal and family information.

Thumb impression Astrology Online Reading & Predictions

Since you now know these facts, you can use Thumb impression Astrology (also called Thumb Finger Print Astrology) to find your Nadi Leaf and get a divine song reading that tells you about your future. One thing that makes Thumb impression Astrology different from other types of astrology is that you don’t have to give information about your birth. There are about 108 different types of humans. Based on your unique thumbprint, you can find your soul grouping, which is a bundle of 20 to 25 separate leaves. Following that, the Nadi Reader will use the sounds written on the leaves to find your exact leaf. This first step is very important for a possible reading in the future. Following the matching process, you will only have a chance to find your own Palm Leaf if you have a bundle. For this first step, all we need is your left thumbprint (for women) and the country where you were born. Then, our experts in India will sort your thumbprint into one of 108 groups to find the right Palm Leaf bundle(s) for your thumbprint. Then, out of the thousands of bundles for this type of thumbprint, they will pick one to three bundles that might have your own Palm Leaf in them. The nadi palm leaves are written for a select few, and if fate would have it, someone would look for the leaf to start over. People from all over the world can get Thumb impression Astrology services from Vaitheeswaran Koil, Tamil Nadu, India. You don’t have to come to our place to get predicted and read your Thumb impression. Through Skype, WhatsApp, and other apps, you can get your Thumb Finger Print Astrology reading online. One of the most promising astrologers, Guruji Vendhan, is India’s most famous and best online nadi astrologer. He has made big steps forward not only in India but also around the world. He is an online nadi astrologer from India who helps people all over the world who need it, no matter how far away they are or what language they speak. He meets all of their needs and has been helping the people who need it most to make their lives more peaceful and happy.

     Nadi Astrology Thumb Impression      

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